Cook Strait

Ohau Point to Perano Head - 26 km


At 11 years old Caitlin started her long distance swim training in March 2016 which consisted of eight swim sessions per week. Often this was 12-14 hours of weekly swimming covering 35-40 kms per week. There were often extra hours ocean swimming at Manly or Takapuna to condition to the cold water temperatures.

In January 2017 Caitlin competed in her first long distance ocean swim competition in Taupo. The Epic Epic 17.5km consists of three back to back races - 5km, 10kms and 2.5 kms with only a few minutes between each race. This was an open age group competition and Caitlin achieved 6th place overall and 2nd female for a total swim of 5 hours 45 mins. While most swam with wetsuits, which has a considerable advantage of buoyancy, Caitlin swum the entire race with no wetsuit. Caitlin had proven herself as a strong marathon swimmer and it wasn’t just about her physical ability but her mental ability to keep going.


the swim

Phil Rush is well known in New Zealand ocean swimming as a marathon swimmer and runs the Cook Strait program. Following Caitlin’s 17.5km swim in Taupo, he was eager to get Caitlin across the strait before she turned 13. He knew she was capable, fit and used to swimming in the cold water. More swimmers fail to complete the Cook Strait than complete. For an adult it is a difficult swim at the best of times.

At 2pm on the 24th February 2017 Caitlin started her swim from Ohau Point on the North Island. The sea was choppy for the first hour but Caitlin soon got her rhythm. She was stopped every 30 mins by Phil Rush and coach John Gatfield for food and to check her wellbeing. She battled with jellyfish and the thought of sharks was never far from her mind.

Her family and friends from all over the world were watching with anxious anticipation on the GPS tracker which showed her progress.

As the South Island drew closer the sun sunk lower and at around 8pm Phil Rush set Caitlin up for swimming in the dark. He added glow sticks to the boat and to the back of her togs and head. Caitlin was truly terrified but she overcame her fear of swimming the deep ocean in the dark. She dug deep and picked up the pace even though she was exhausted from swimming six hours already. She believed with every bone in her body that she could get to the end. The last 75 minutes of her swim the sea was pitch black. There was no moonlight, just the sound of John and Phil’s voices guiding her onwards.

At 9.22pm Caitlin reached Perano Head in the South Island and became the youngest New Zealander and youngest female to swim the Cook Strait at 12 years old. The swim took 7 hrs 19 mins 56 seconds. The average Cook Strait swim is 8-9 hours . Caitlin’s had been a phenomenal swim and was more than an hour faster than her coach John Gatfield when he completed at 13 years of age.

John Campbell interview

Cook Strait footage