Foveaux Strait lies between New Zealand’s South Island and Stewart Island ( Rakiura ) and is 28.6km wide at its narrowest. It makes up one leg of the New Zealand Triple Crown - Cook Strait and Lake Taupo being the other two. At a latitude between 46.20 and 47 degrees South this swim will be tough! The strait has an average temperature of between 12 - 15 deg C, a predominant Southern Ocean swell, strong tides and surface currents due to the continuous weather systems circling unabated through the Roaring Forties!

To date only a handful of swimmers have attempted successfully. I will not be the youngest but are happy that Foveaux is a challenge worth striving for on its own merit!

  • GEOGRAPHY: Located between New Zealand’s South Island and Stewart Island ( Rakiura ).

  • Distance: 28.6kms

  • Conditions: Known to be rough with strong surface currents. Potential to eat great oysters!

  • Average Sea Temp: 12-15 C

  • Best Time to Swim: February - March

  • Fastest Crossing Time: 8 hrs 40min

  • Number of Crossings as at July 2020 = 8 ( non-wetsuit )